”Last Man Standing”

Traditional Shoot Off at Bigfoot 2012
Are you going to be the Last Man Standing
Proudly brought to you by the Black Knight Bowbenders

A Very Special “Thank You” from the Black Knights to the
Traditional Archers of New Jersey (TANJ) for their support and
help in helping run the “Last Man Standing” at the
“Bigfoot Open”

Sunday July 15th, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. at the Black Knights Range

  • Open to Finger Shooting Recurve and Longbow shooters only for a $5.00 fee.
  • Any target tipped arrow can be used – Wood, Aluminum or Carbon – No Flu-Flu Arrows.
  • No sights or mechanical releases or stabilizers allowed.
  • No string walking. One finger must touch arrow at all times
  • 100% of all entry fees go back to the “Last Three Men Standing”
  • Nothing on your bow that could be used to site off of. We know all your tricks.
  • Dollars Split 50%, 30%, 20% for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place, and a fantastic Robin Hood Goblet Trophy to “Last Man Standing” compliments of Paul Winans of the Black Knight Bowbenders. All top six finishers will receive prizes
  • Two arrows only at each of 5 targets at unmarked distances chosen at random, on the spot.
  • Paper animal round target will be used but scored, 5-4-3 and an extra point for the x ring. No antlers or tails will count as points
  • Any shoot off will be done at a disclosed target on the day of the shoot.
  • These rules may change based on suggestions from traditional archers only.
  • Paul Winans (crkd_arrow@juno.com), Gerry DeCaro at (dadocman47@verizon.net)

How does it work? Example

  • 50 Shooters register with an entry fee of $5.00 each. After the first round of 2 arrows each, at 5 targets, the 25 lowest scoring shooters will be eliminated.
  • The 25 remaining shooters shoot again at different distances chosen at random.
  • Again one half of the shooters (this time 13) will be eliminated)
  • The remaining shooters will shoot again until the top three are determined
  • All Dollars go to the last three shooters Split 50%, 30%, 20% for 1st, 2nd & 3rd
  • The first Place Winner will be the “Last Man Standing” and win a “Beautiful Custom Engraved Hunting Knife” by Artist, Irene Bowers donated by TANJ and $100 from the “Blake Brothers Fence Company”
  • The Second Place winner will get $60, and the Third will win $ 40 from the “Blake Brothers Fence Company”
  • Other unique Prizes will also be awarded, at this truly “Traditional” event. Compliments of our friends The Traditional Archers of New Jersey -TANJ.

Who will be the “Last Man Standing”?